For this first newsletter of spring 2024, I want to bring you some clarity!
I’m writing to you from Madrid…
Spring is synonymous with renewal, rebirth, openness and expansion after hibernation. It’s time to sow… In the right direction!
The last newsletter dealt with self-knowledge, and now we’re going to align this knowledge with the right axis…
That’s exactly what’s at stake! How can we move in the right direction?
In this Newsletter :
I’m going to share with you the 7 introspective questions for spring, with :
- How to take stock of your year’s progress and clarify what’s next
- How to identify your vocation for a more aligned and fulfilling career path
- How to sort out your ideas and projects and lighten your load for the future
Let’s go…
✔️ Spring Reflection
As the first quarter of 2024 draws to a close, sit down with a sheet of paper and answer these questions:
- What were my greatest achievements this quarter and how did they contribute to my annual or long-term goals?
- What challenges have I encountered and what lessons have I learned? What do I know now that I didn’t know at the beginning of 2024?
- What are my 3 spring priorities (for April-May-June)?
- What should I stop? What should I keep doing?
My planning and clarity routine:
I like to isolate myself at the end of each season to take stock of my objectives, my progress and plan what’s next.
🎯 Find your vocation and career orientation
It’s the hot topic of the moment!
Especially if you tend to :
- Embark on paths that tire or exhaust you after a while
- Still struggling to put your finger on the common thread of your career
- Desire for change and/or evolution towards activities that are more simulating, fulfilling and where you are more rewarded for your talents
Here are 3 questions to ask yourself now:
- What activities really bring me joy, and why?
- If I had all the money and time I needed not to worry about it, how would I spend my days?
- What’s easy for me and valuable to others?
I’ll leave you to ponder that, and see you Tuesday for the announcement!
👽When you feel atypical and misaligned with the environment in your values…
I’m one of those people who doesn’t know how to do what everyone else does:
I’ve never nested or specialized
I don’t have a single offer, I have an ecosystem of offers.
I don’t do prospecting
I almost never do affiliations or partnerships
I hate networking
I don’t have a strict routine
Anyway. Just to let you know that if you’re wondering if you have a problem not following all the trendy advice: NO!
I invite you to read : Finding your place in society and the world of work when you feel atypical, inadequate and out of place (Black Sheep Syndrome)
Take care of yourself,
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