10 life lessons learned the hard way

💎 I wish I’d known these 10 life lessons much sooner

These life lessons, learned the hard way, I wish I’d known sooner, so if I can bring you these nuggets, it’s my pleasure:

1- Know and accept yourself better:

I doubted myself for a long time, with a strong feeling of inferiority and imposter syndrome after a childhood in which I was very shy and reserved.

What helped me was to really get to know myself, work on myself and “get out of myself” (open up) by assuming who I am. I realize that being myself is an essential key to confidence and expansion.

That’s why I insist so much, with my clients and in my coaching, on the importance of aligning our projects with who we are and following our flow.

2- Most anxious thoughts will never come true

Contrary to appearances, when people think I’m ultra zen and relaxed, I’ve always had a tendency to “imagine the worst”. So I prepare for it. On the one hand, this is useful for plans A, B, C through to Z (especially in business), but on the other it creates unnecessary stress. 90% of what I imagined never happened. I spent too much time imagining things… And when the worst happens, it’s dealt with!

Infact, that’s one of the points of vigilance for the “circumspect” profiles in our personality test that you can take here (being a Dynamic-Circumspect myself, who goes into action precisely for control).

It’s good to anticipate, but let’s stop being anxious about the future and trust ourselves! Let’s just be prepared to give the best of ourselves!

3- Enjoy people while they’re here

Time flies and we can very quickly forget to make that phone call or miss out on a moment by thinking about the past or the future… As it happens, opportunities, money, projects… They come and they go… But when people leave, they’re gone!

Having experienced bereavement at a very young age, I’ve come to realize how essential it is to celebrate and enjoy as long as your loved ones are present!

4- Prioritize time

I’ve said it before, but time is the most precious resource. And by time, I include “qualitative time” with good health, vitality and energy, on projects that make sense.

Take your time, but don’t waste it! Be clear about your priorities – it would be a shame to sow the seeds of regret.

5- Achieving goals doesn’t make you happier, but…

How many times have I realized dreams, reached dream goals… Then a few days later I’ve felt a void with the famous question “what’s next?”

Don’t wait for a goal or a milestone to make you happy, fall in love with the process!

Ultimately, goals are about having something at stake that boosts us and gets us moving, but it’s precisely in the process that we need to take pleasure in it.

That’s why my method for setting objectives is based on 3 pillars: values, meaning and process.

6- Don’t delegate your self-confidence and self-esteem

Never place your self-esteem in external recognition or validation: you have no control over it.

Similarly, don’t build your self-confidence on external results alone.

Your value shouldn’t be defined by your popularity, likes, compliments and so on. Because that can change overnight. Above all, it must come from you!

So make a clear distinction between what you do (including your skills) and who you are.

Focus on what you control: your attitude, your choices, your investment, giving your best, your ability to learn, your progress, your qualities and your limits…

Take responsibility for your value.

7- Values > Opinions

You can disagree with people, have different opinions, but still respect each other. However, when you don’t share the same value system, it’s very difficult to get along.

Whether it’s in my recruitment, collaborations, partnerships, etc., I’m always interested in values. I’m always interested in the person’s values, even before their skills, to see if we’re really compatible.

8- Asking for help is a strength

I’m one of those people for whom asking for help is torture, because I prefer to do it myself. It’s a mistake I’ve made for too long!

Knowing how to ask for help is an asset! It puts us in a position of humility and openness to save time and learn how to collaborate.

It took me a long time to learn how to do it properly and comfortably.

9- Kindness really is a virtue

If you still think that kindness is a weakness, you’re probably forgetting yourself. As I often say, “if your generosity excludes you, it’s incomplete”.

Fortunately, there are still some deeply kind and generous people in this world, they just need to learn to set their limits and respect themselves so that it doesn’t become a sacrifice for others, but an expansion of their personality.

Be kind, be generous, don’t expect anything in return, don’t sacrifice your well-being.

10- Think FLOW, not WAY

If you’re still torturing your mind wondering where your path is and where you belong, accept that there’s nothing fixed.

It’s all movement!

The set path is behind you, now you always have the possibility to choose, change, adjust, align… That’s the process!

You’re always where you belong, here and now, at your own pace, in motion…

Adopt the Flowtasking path!