
Efforts vs Results

Everybody will congratulate you when you get : Nobody is going to congratulate you when : Conclusion:  Success is built in the shadows, when no one is looking! Focus on your efforts and your evolution… The results will be a consequence!  Base your self-esteem and confidence on what you control: your character and your ability […]

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How to make yourself psychologically and financially secure in times of crisis (anxiety and fear of lack)

How can you be financially and psychologically secure in this climate of “crisis”, tension and uncertainty? There are two issues at stake: your energy (your overall state) to remain creative, lucid and not let emotions overwhelm you, and the strategy you adopt (knowing that your emotions dictate your choices). 1- Get out of the posture

How to make yourself psychologically and financially secure in times of crisis (anxiety and fear of lack) Read More »

12 tips to rise during difficult times (personally, professionally, financially and entrepreneurially)

🆙 12 tips for rising above difficult times (personally, professionally, financially and entrepreneurially): The most important thing today is not to get discouraged and stay in creation, movement, while preserving your energy. Yes, I know, quite a challenge! You have 3 priorities: 1. Secure and protect yourself (psychologically, emotionally, financially, relationally…) 2. Gain clarity: rediscover

12 tips to rise during difficult times (personally, professionally, financially and entrepreneurially) Read More »