How I manage 7 businesses at the same time : My productivity secrets !

In this newsletter, I’d like to share with you some practical tips on the art of managing several projects and activities at the same time. It can quickly become a headache when you’re multi-potential and multi-hatted.

Over the years, I’ve developed systems that enable me to manage everything while still having time for sport, my loved ones and my well-being.

Let me tell you all about it…

⭐ How I manage everything at once!

Over the last 15 years, I’ve developed several activities that I manage at the same time:

  1. Consulting and mentoring
  2. Online programs and content creation
  3. Conferences (my events and corporate interventions)
  4. Face-to-face training and workshops
  5. An investment fund
  6. An executive club
  7. An association

And that’s not counting the “leisure” and creative side projects…

Of course, I’ve had to develop a good sense of organization, as I’ve always wanted to keep my diary as free as possible, so that I can go and do sport at the times I want, or take days off when I feel the need…

Here are my productivity “secrets”:

Vision and meaning: This is the basis, the foundation, the bedrock, the pillar of discipline and regularity; I know where I’m going, why I’m going there and what matters to me.

System thinking (standardize, automate, optimize): Rather than doing everything in bulk, I’ve organized and designed “systems” for everything; these are processes that enable me (and my teams) to be efficient. I have systems for everything: business, finance, decision-making, management, content, automation and passive income, etc. They also free up time for me and my teams. They also free up time for optimization/automation over the long term.

Time for creativity and reflection: I allow myself short or long periods of reflection, during the day but also during the week and months (with my retreats). I really enjoy writing in the morning and evening…

Planning: I take the time to plan my years, quarters, months and weeks in advance, with simple yet clear monitoring of objectives and tasks.

Recovery and sleep: I make a point of recovering and taking care of my sleep. I don’t hesitate to take short or long breaks when I really feel the need.

Rules and safeguards: As my value system is clear, I’ve created rules for myself to know when to say NO and, above all, to set limits to prioritize my time, my well-being and what’s essential.

The right tools: Having the right work tools is essential, both hardware and software that enable me to be truly efficient. I’ve also chosen to have a comfortable car so that I arrive in good shape after my journeys. I also avoid spending too much time on technical interviews.

Surround myself well: I delegate whenever I can to spend more time in my zone of genius. Anaïs, my assistant, takes care of the after-sales service, sorts emails and messages on the networks, checks up on customers etc. and acts as a “barrier” to filtering, Cécile looks after the follow-up of my groups and clubs, Loïc edits certain videos and projects, Erwan creates templates for visuals, and above all I have an accounting and legal department that takes care of the administrative side.

Prioritization and energy blocks: I’ve blocked off certain times of the day for my most important tasks, notably in the morning when I hardly make any appointments and work with maximum focus and no distractions. I prioritize energy management over my days rather than just blocks of time.

Unforeseen events and agility: I leave more time slots and days free to make up for any delays or unforeseen events.

High standards: I don’t hesitate to travel in higher classes, to take good hotels to feel good, to work or rest efficiently. It’s also a great way to meet new people.

Not relying on my motivation : I don’t expect to be at the top of my game every day, I go at my own pace and according to my plans, giving what I have without relying on perfection. I go at my own pace, but I don’t negotiate with my flames!

My second brain: I love to learn and I’m always full of ideas. I’ve created a second brain to store and retrieve everything (information and ideas), as well as a simple yet square organization system to always find my way around and avoid mental overload.

Surfing my flow (cycles): I’ve learned to identify my rhythms and cycles in the days, weeks and periods of the year. As a result, I adapt my projects, plans and organization to suit them!

Prioritize time : It’s essential to always value time! My time is the most precious thing I have, and I remind myself of it regularly to filter my commitments.

Have fun: I’m not always square! I like to watch TV series, play video games, go to the gym or go out… I manage to leave that flexibility!

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