
productive creative systeme

My productivity, creativity and project management system and tools to help me leveling up without getting bored or burnt out.

In this newsletter, I’m going to share with you my creative and productive multipotential process: how I learn, create, organize myself and make decisions while preserving my balance with a brain that never stops! I’m going to divide this into 5 parts : 🧠 Sources of inspiration and learning It would be difficult to give

My productivity, creativity and project management system and tools to help me leveling up without getting bored or burnt out. Read More »

mental clarity

How to reduce mental load and get clarity when you think too much without burning-out

“I think too much”: How to free yourself from the mental load and define your priorities when you’re full of ideas and projects ! 5 principles and rules to keep you light, clear and productive without burning-out : What’s the best way to end up burned out? How do you organize the perfect day to

How to reduce mental load and get clarity when you think too much without burning-out Read More »

How to deal with ups and downs : Bounce back, keep going or give up?How to deal with ups and downs :

We all have one thing in common: we’re human! And like all humans, we have our ups and downs… The problem is that we sometimes find it hard to accept this, trying to ensure that everything always goes our way, that we’re always on top of our game, motivated, in the clear, with good energy…

How to deal with ups and downs : Bounce back, keep going or give up?How to deal with ups and downs : Read More »