
how to write first book

5 advices to unleash your creativity and write your first book

I wrote my first book in 2011, then released several in the following years, and here’s what I’ve learned about creativity and productivity when it comes to this kind of writing project:  Getting a book out is a wonderful project, and it’ll stay with you even when you’re gone… But this project requires quite a […]

5 advices to unleash your creativity and write your first book Read More »

jo yang productivity

The habit that made me work less and earn more (it’s scalable)

I’ve talked about the importance of habits and routines this week, and there’s one that has really had a significant impact on my life and career (especially regarding my energy level and fluidity in my progress). It really helps you earn more by working less! What’s more, you’ll see that it’s a kind of “habitception”!

The habit that made me work less and earn more (it’s scalable) Read More »

jo yang reading books

5 habits to change so you stop wasting your time and potential

When it comes to changing your life, realizing your ambitions, creating fulfillment by evolving, the most powerful concept is the compound effect ! What counts is not what you do intensely once, but the little things in everyday life that cumulatively shape your destiny. Bad habits can ruin your potential, whereas if you change the

5 habits to change so you stop wasting your time and potential Read More »

The 3 best people to delegate to and get more time, clarity and reduce mental load

3 people to whom you don’t delegate enough to lighten your mental load and save time (and it’s free): The ‘future you’: he’ll take care of your future problems, just make it easy for him, but don’t worry too much about what’s uncertain. The ‘unconscious you’: give it problems to solve, issues to deal with

The 3 best people to delegate to and get more time, clarity and reduce mental load Read More »

12 Life Lessons from the time have spent at the hospital last year (learned the hard way)

Juste found the notebook in which I had put down ideas and thoughts during my hospitalization, 1 year ago (to the day).  It’s good to be reminded of life’s lessons, especially when they’re linked to difficult times that are so necessary for our growth. We tend to forget!  A year later, I’m exercising 3 hours

12 Life Lessons from the time have spent at the hospital last year (learned the hard way) Read More »