We’re going to close the chapter on money (we’ll move on to other subjects in February) for this start of the year with this last newsletter of January 2025 in which I’m going to share with you some truths about money!
This was the big topic at the start of the year, with the wish for “Health and Money in 2025”.
What’s more, we’re in a tense context, generating economic tension and a lot of uncertainty, hence the importance of understanding principles to get through this period and sow seeds for the future.
Everyone wants to be “financially successful”, but most don’t know what that really means.
They’re looking for the miracle method, the fast track, the shortcut that avoids hard work and sacrifice.
Bad news: there’s no such thing.
If you really want to make money your ally and your resource for freedom, forget the illusions and remember this…
💸 7 money secrets learned the hard way
Money is an important subject, very taboo in France but essential in our lives! It’s one of the subjects I’ve worked on the most, particularly in my entrepreneurial career, and it’s true that we can drag limiting beliefs around for a long time, making us “slaves” to money.
Here’s what I’ve learned over the past 15 years:
1️⃣ Money is a consequence, not just a goal
Money doesn’t just fall into your lap; it’s not given to you for no reason. You’re paid because you represent value: namely, your skills!
Money is the consequence of the value you bring to a market.
Hence the importance of understanding the nuance between “price vs. value”.
💡 Simple rule: the more value you create, the more you can receive.
👉 It doesn’t come from thinking about an idea or having lots of ideas. 👉 Nor by consuming theories.
Money comes from doing.
Look around you:
Your customers, your boss, your team, your partners… all have problems.
The ones who earn the most are those who find solutions, implement them, and replicate them on a large scale. That’s what creating value is all about.
2️⃣ Time is more important than money, but not the most important thing…
When you start out, you have no money, no network, no expertise.
Your only currency? Your time.
That’s how I started out, investing my time, offering my services to learn and improve my skills…
You invest it to learn, build skills, create connections and generate cash.
But very quickly, your most precious resource is no longer your time, but your energy.
💡 Working more isn’t the answer. Working better is.
👉 The key: Leverage.
Use your skills, network and experience to create more impact in less time.
Work hard at first, then work smart over time by investing to “buy time”, so create systems, recruit people and make the money work.
If you have a lot of energy and time in your twenties, the more time passes, the less you’ll have, hence the importance of preserving your energy very quickly.
3️⃣ There’s no finish line, no end…
Many people think that “success” is a destination.
That once they’ve reached a certain level, they can relax.
Worse: They hope all problems will be solved once they’ve reached a destination.
🚨 Wrong!
Every day, you have to earn your place back.
Every day you have to prove yourself all over again.
The market isn’t waiting for you.
If you rest, someone else will take your place.
👉 “Making lots of money” is a never-ending game. You’d better like to play!
That’s why I discuss the concept of infinite play in Flowtasking.
It’s essential to know when it’s “enough” and to see the rest as a game you play over time, accepting that you may win or lose, but you keep on playing!
Money solves money problems; everything else is an expansion of the positive and the negative.
4️⃣ Entrepreneurship isn’t the only way (and it’s certainly not the easiest).
You’re sold the idea that to succeed, you have to be an entrepreneur, a free spirit, a digital nomad… And that if you work for someone, you’re “a slave”.
💡 It’s an illusion.
Entrepreneurship means more work, more pressure, more risk.
Not everyone is cut out for it, and that’s okay.
👉 Working for someone can be a much better financial lever.
If you excel, you can earn more than the average entrepreneur, with less stress.
Don’t let anyone tell you there’s only one way to succeed financially.
The best one is the one that works for you!
5️⃣ What’s the most important skill for getting rich?
Whatever your field, knowing how to persuade and sell is the skill that unlocks everything.
You need to know how to sell:
✅ Your product
✅ Your ideas
✅ Your vision
✅ Yourself
The best salespeople aren’t the smartest.
They’re the ones who know how to convince, persevere and adapt.
If you don’t know how to sell, you’ll always be dependent on someone who does.
When you know how to convince, negotiate and sell… You’ll make it through life!
6️⃣ Following your passion is a trap
We’re often told to “follow your passion”.
Bad advice.
You don’t need to be passionate about what you do.
You need to keep the enthusiasm even when there’s money at stake.
How many passions turn into constraints as soon as you have to make a living from them?
👉 If an activity stimulates you, makes you want to learn more, to improve, then it’s the right direction.
👉 If you’re bored, losing your appetite, spending a lot of time on constraints, then it’s not/no longer for you.
Energy doesn’t lie.
Don’t just follow your passions, follow what drives you from within (it goes beyond passions).
What I recommend is to ask yourself:
Can I keep motivated and enthusiastic despite the difficulties of my business?
Choose your difficulties, there will always be some…
7️⃣ The price to pay…
Everyone wants an exceptional life. But few are prepared to pay the price.
When someone says to me “I want to start my own business, but I don’t have the time”, I ask them:
📌 “OK, show me your schedule.”
In 90% of cases, he spends hours on value-added tasks.
👉 Anything worthwhile requires paying a price, especially in time!
If you want extraordinary results, you have to make extraordinary choices:
✅ Work harder for a period, to save time later.
✅ Invest in skills, even if it’s scary.
✅ Constantly question and adapt.
✅ Accept to lower your standard of living in order to invest.
✅ Postpone satisfactions and stop wanting immediate, ephemeral pleasures.
Nothing is free.
You pay in time, energy, discipline, rejection, choice, regularity, resilience….
That’s why I hate the expression “if it were that easy, everyone would be rich!”
But who are the ones who have the courage to pay that price, really?
But those who are willing to pay the price end up playing by their own rules.
📢 In short: Want to get unstuck with money?
- Create value and become an opportunity for others
- Value your time and energy
- Choose a path that makes the most of your assets
- Develop your persuasion and sales skills
- Follow your sacred fire
- Make tough choices now for an easier future
- Invest in your freedom!
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